Monday, April 26, 2010

Resistance 2010: The World Can't Wait!

I'm going to take this week off in regards to what I said this blog is about and talk about the Resistance conference, which freakin' rocked!

There were speakers from all over Australia and the world. We had Ammar Ali-Jan from the Labor Party (not like here) of Pakistan, Richard Downs who lives under the NT Intervention and a whole range of other people.

It made several newspapers (I think about 5 or so) and was on the local news on Channel 9, and I was on the news! Amid all these quite normal looking people you had this punk with spikey, black hair and a Brigade Rosse/Red Army Faction T-shirt. YEAH!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

US Abandoned Base and Left to Taliban

Last week, US forces abandoned a mountaintop base near Kabul, now Taliban forces have swarmed and occupied the base.

The US insists the base near the Korengal Valley is of no real strategic use. Al-Jareeza video-taped the Taliban entering and inspecting the base and aired this video over a major satellite TV station to give the Taliban a morale boost.

The Taliban claims to have recovered fuel and ammunition at the site but the US insists fuel was given to local residents while ammunition was evacuated.
3 Roles in Electronic Media


A reporters job in the news is to find something, some piece of news that matters and has some impact on the world. Find out a heap about it and a little more and present people with this on the news on TV or the radio and tell it in an unbiased way.

This being said, most journalists who inhabit this earth do not do their job.

Would it not be better to present people with accurate, relevant information and let them decide for themselves? Fox dosen't think so!


The anchorman/ladies (lets call them anchorpeople) job is basically to sit at a really expensive desk, read the teleprompter, look happy and trustworthy. At most news stations anyway.

If your'e watching the news, your'e an everyday person and the anchorperson looks like a friend or they look like a really nice person or whatever your'e going to think "oh she reminds me of Kathy!"

A pack of horeshit lies, wrapped up in a flag and delivered to you with a smile.

Camera Operator

The COs job in the news is to capture events on film and to physically operate the camera. This is one of the most important jobs in the media because if you capture something on film, it can be used to show people what happened instead of just telling them.

Though what is captured on film can sometimes quite easily be manipulated and distorted to sway peoples opinion to support your own or someone elses.