Monday, May 31, 2010

Important Week For Afghanistan

This is an important week for Afghanistan, some of the most important people in Afghan politics and other important people such as US Army general Stanley McChrystal are gathering together to have a sort of conference.

The National Consultative Peace Jurga is by far one of the most important political events that will be happening in Afghanistan this year and will set the agenda for the rest of 2010.

NATO leaders are trying to get people to focus more on the political process but some journalists are doing their job and pissing off the NATO leaders by asking about other issues sorrounding Afghanistan. Issues such as the security situation around the country, which at the moment is of course pretty freakin' chaotic.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Afghanistan, Officially Now "The Big War"

Yesterday the Pentagon made an anouncement declaring that the number of troops in Afghanistan now surpasses the number of troops in Iraq. That makes Afghanistan "The Big War" and Iraq "The Other War."

There are about 92,000 troops in Iraq and the number of troops in Afghanistan is nearing 100,000. Of course, Obama campaigned on the basis of withdrawing all troops from Iraq and while that is happening at a glaciel pace, that makes him the "anti-war President!" PEACE! Give him the Nobel Peace Prize! Bullshit.

Most of the Obama administration is hellbent on Afghanistan, when Obama took office there were about 30,000 troops in Afghanistan. Now theres nearly 100,000!

Seig heil to our mighty peace Prez.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Karzai Travels to US to Convince Obama

Afghan President Hamid Karzai visited the US last week to convince Obama of the merit of his plan to talk over the Taliban.

At the present time, Uncle Sam seems only to care about "reintergrating" foot soldiers and local leaders as opposed to direct negotiations with the leaders of the Taliban.

In the document showing Karzai's plan, Taliban leaders are offered a safe passage into exile and to be dropped off the UN sanctions list if they cut their ties with Al-Qaeda. Soldiers who drop their weapons and surrender would not be prosecuted and be trained to work in infrastructure and highway development programs.

Is it an attempt to look good not just to Afghanistan but the worldwith no real conviction behind it or is Karzai really trying to bring a little piece? I hope so.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

US Has 5,113 Warheads, About 4,600 Not Included.

The Fist-A-Gon (Pentagon) has released figures telling the world how many warheads it has, 5,113, not including about 4,600 others becaused theyr'e scheduled for dismantlement. The most nuclear warheads the US has had at one time was 31,225, in 1967.

Obama's START bill is supposed to limit the number of warheads between Uncle Sam and Russia to 1,550 each. But the bill proclaims one bomber to count for one nuclear warhead while there are bombers that hold more than one warhead.

Bombers are designed to do two things basically, fly and bomb the shit out of people. The B-52 bomber can hold 70,000 pounds of weaponery.

There are extremely destructive nuclear bombs like the B43 that weighs about 2,060 pounds and then there are "less destructive" nuclear bombs like the W44 that weighs about 200 pounds.

So wer'e pretty much screwed unless a heap of people hear about this, get pissed off and raise hell.