Monday, February 8, 2010

Barack Obama campaigned on the promise of many different things, one of them being withdrawal of all troops from Iraq. But Afghanistan is a whole other story. Not long ago Obama wasn't sure whether or not to continue with the war, he decided to continue.

It went something like this in my mind;

Prez: I dunno about this Hillary, I'm just not quite so sure anymore.

Secretary of State (SOS): What?

Prez: I said (intense stare from SOS) nothing!

Hillary Clinton has always supported the war in Afghanistan, and now she is in a very high position of power. Nothing she says goes completely unheard now. She campaigned for universal health care a good few years back, then she was paid huge sums of money from the health insurance companys to sit down and shut up. And she did.

This blog is dedicated to watching every move Uncle Sam makes in Afghanistan, and what every member of the current "Democratic" administration does in regard to the war.

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