Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Obama's Secret Prisons.

On US military bases all around the country of Afghanistan, there are officially nine "Field Detention Centres". These are used to hold terrorists and collaborators, but over the past few years there have been reports of abuse at the hands of the US military personnell.
Some of these reports are of abuse bad enough to be no doubt about it human rights violations.
The US military bursts through the door of the home of the suspect during the night, the detainee is beaten a little bit then gets a sack thrown over their head and they are then taken away while the suspects family are left scared and crying. The detainee is then sent to one of these detention centres and some are never seen again. If you do get out its probably because the military has realised that you are not the person they were looking for.
Called the "Black Prisons" by some, the Red Cross nor anyone else has any access whatsoever to any of these facilities. Thing is, we only know about nine.

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