Monday, June 7, 2010

The Art of Pick Up Lines

Most do not know this, but creating the perfect seductive prowess is a freakin' art. It is a far greater challenge than learning the ways of the Samauri.

There are many types (I like to think of them as species) of pick-up lines, there are cheesey ones, stupid ones, gay ones, nerdy ones, the list goes on. There are also pick-up lines that can be attributed to movies or TV shows, Star Wars lines, Harry Potter lines, Lord of the Rings lines, pick-up lines are bigger than us.

The realm of pick-up lines evolves, they adapt to suit their environment. They are almost one entity, a living, breathing entity aware of whats happening and capable of surviving anything, kinda like cockroaches.

But in the end all that matters is whether or not they work. This is high-science. In order to become the ultimate lady-picker-uperer you must first possess a certain predisposition, a kind of sixth sense, a heightened awareness of all that occurs.

There is no such thing as a pick-up line that always works, they simply do not exist. Much like Santa or a neo-Nazi who is also a nice person. What determines the affect of a pick-up line is as follows; the place, the time, the lighting, the general atmosphere, the relationship you have with the pick-upee, the events leading up to this moment, music, whether or not you or the other person is currently in a relationship and the nature of that relationship.

Some of the worst pick-up lines in the world (Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past again? Great legs, what time do they open?) can from time to time have a positive affect. The legs one however should only be used in jest and if the victim of this horrible line will also think it funny.

The best pick-up lines can also have the reversed affect of what is intended. There are no pick-up lines that are generally agreed to be "good" per se', it all depends on the context, thats what this science is really all about. Context.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahah. good on ben. i love the legs one, i'm gonna use that all the time
