Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama, Afghan War "Absolutely Essential".

A few days ago, Obama underscored his administration's commitment to continue the eight and a half year long occupation of Afghanistan by delivering a speech in which he proclaimed the war to be "absolutely essential".

During that speech he also claimed the war was making every American safer. We have heard that time and time again with their guns. If more guns made you safer America would be the safest country on Earth but its not. The same applies to this war.

He also assured troops that "everyone" knows the importance of this occupation. Who the fuck is "everyone"? His administration? Even if "everyone" was all of America that wouldn't be true!

He also pledged to give the troops a "clear mission" and said they would "get the job done". Whats the job?

Due to his attributes (hes not white, hes younger and he is a "Democrat"), Obama is in the best position any other President has ever been in to screw the entire world over. So far, it looks like thats what he is in the process of doing, what he is in the process of continuing.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

20 Minutes in the Library

I was sitting in what I believe is refered to as the "library annex". This is where all the action took place!

I observed the meaningless comings and goings of faceless people, people who for all I knew were mass murderers. The balding librarian did not come across as a murderer however. This balding librarian with a goatee tended to his librarian dutys making one of two sounds.

The only two sounds audible to me were the sounds of library keeping, the walking, the checking of books and movies and so on and so forth. The other was the incessant, programmed sound of the air-conditioning.

Just about the only interesting thing I saw was some notable films on the movie rack. "This is England", "About Shmidt", "Die Hard", "Braveheart" and of course "The Young Ones"! Though it is obviously an old TV show, not a film.

Monday, March 22, 2010

3 Roles in Print Media

In your typical editing cycle there is a junior editorial assistant who reports to senior editorial staff and directors whom then answer to senior executive editors.
Thier role in print media is to just correct spelling, grammar and matters of house style. In newspapers this role is expanded upon by having other works to tend to such as writing headlines and working on fairness, accuracy and taste.

A columnist is a journalist who writes for a publication and offers a strong perspective in the columns section. Some people follow the writings of a particular columnist.
There are several types of columnists, they are:
Advice: a columnist that addresses and answers to peoples problems who send them in.
Critic: a journalist who interprets performances and pieces of work and writes about them and presents thier own opinion.
Editorial: the section of a newspaper or magazines where senior editing staff publish thier opinion.
Gossip gurus: they write and talk about rumors surrounding famous people, usually movie stars and musical figures.
Humorist: a journalist who writes about somethig while being funny about and satirising it.
Food: a section of magazines and sometimes newspapers where "journalists" write about food and recipes.

We play an important part in all forms of media. There are actually people who sit and watch A Current Affair and 60 Minutes and if people didn't do that then those programs would probably be shut down!
But wait, how will the government get thier horse shit known as propaganda out?
Well fortunately enough for them they still have The Daily Telegraph!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Gangs: Mostly Idiots

There are many types of gangs, there are gangs under the employ of drug lords, there are biker gangs, all the way down to pathetic kids with nothing better to do than form the "Woonona Boys". Idiots.

In the US, every city with a population of 250,000 or greater reported gang related crimes. Every single god damn city! It isn't that boring in the city!

Why is it kids join gangs? To be cool? To be around intellectual equals (look at the title of this article)? Maybe they have nothing better to do than go around beating up members of a rival gang and "tagging" everything in sight. That is still pretty boring and quite pathetic. They could be doing something constructive, like joining an anarchist organisation!

Another interesting statistic, 94% of gang members are male, the remaining 6% are female (what else are they gonna be?). Why is that? Maybe dudes feel more insecure than chicks or something. Or maybe chicks are smarter and either realise there is something better to do than joining a gang or they get out of that disgusting gutter that is Bellambi (in the States it might be South Central or Queens or somewhere like that).

If you live in America and you watch the TV show "Cops", every night you will hear about a black male that robbed a shop or stabbed someone. How is this, is it the same black male committing all these crimes!? A significant portion of the gang population is black but think about all the white guys that have screwed us over!

Think about it, the War on Terror Inc., the Holocaust, racism, many different pieces of legislation over the years (Patriot Act, Work Choices to name a couple), Redlining, arsenic in the water, deals in the Middle-East with oil and natural gas, Capitalism, WHITE! Its the white man that wants us dead, Hitler, W. and H.W. Bush, Tony Abbott, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Reagan, Nixon, John Howard, Thatcher, Clinton (Mr. and Mrs.), they're all white.

Even if in the US only 6 or 7% of gang members are white, it is still the white man who is killing us all. Maybe there wouldn't be so many black gang members if there was no such thing as race, if there was just people and skin colour was as trivial as whether or not you have milk in your coffee.

You'll also notice that posh areas have little or no gang activity, if the gap between the haves and have-nots wasn't so damn colossal and if it didn't continue to get bigger and bigger then there would undoubtedly be less gang activity. Thats where Communism comes in! Kidding, though the theory is wonderful and Castro and Che are freakin' heroes.

Youth gangs are, in my opinion, a stupid idea and these kids' time could be better spent doing almost anything else, even learning how to play Curling.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Impact of New Technologies on Traditional News Gathering and Presentation Practices

Journalists no longer have to record using tape recorders, they can use their phones. To capture events on film they no longer have to use cameras that big it feels like you're holding a damn RPG, now they can just use a little hand-held device that closer to a small slice of cake, or something like that.

New technologies being invented has had a profound impact on gathering and presenting news, you don't have to hear it on the radio anymore, you can watch it on your very own mobile phone!

The news is now far more accessible now anywhere you go you can find some news source nearby. Its pretty crazy shit when you think about it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Taliban Leader Most Likely Dead

Hakimullah Meshud is probably dead. He was the target for a missile fired from an unmanned aircraft over the Afghan-Pakistani border. But America has seen the dawn of a new age in modern warfare, launching 15 clinical drone attacks in which more than 100 civillians died.
100 innocent lives for 1 bad guy?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Surfers Unfazed by Shark Attack

Surfer and illustrator with the Sydney Morning Herald, Simon Letch was back in the water after being attacked by a shark at about 6:30am on Saturday at Bronte Beach.

"You'd think you'd go to jelly when something like this happened but I was surprisingly calm," Mr. Letch said. He was surfing about 40 metres off shore when "I was just about to turn and sit on the board when this shark just clamped on the front of it."

The shark was about 1.5 metres long, was a bronze colour, it's fin had a black stripe and left two 15 centimetre bite marks on Mr.Letcher's surfboard, which he plans to repair so he can continue using the board.

An hour later, Mr.Letcher was back in the water with another of his surfboards, about 20 other unfazed surfers were back in the water with him.
Gang Activity Expected to Rise After Shooting

Over the weekend, two gang members were shot and killed in The Rocks area. The shootings took place near some of the city's most exclusive real estate.

Two men, aged between 24 and 25, were shot down by rival gang members. The perpetrators' identities are not known at this time but police are on the hunt for four gang members, who are considered suspects and whose names cannot be disclosed.

The victims were shot with at least 10 bullets each from semi-automatic hand guns at close range. The police are concerned that these shootings will lead to a rise in gang activities in Sydney.

Anti-firearm lobbyists have called for action against the number of illegal firearms available on Sydney streets. Despite laws being tightened greatly after the Port Arthur Massacre there are still many ways of getting guns illegaly.

NSW Opposition leader John Brogden has accused the Liberal Government of letting gun violence getting out of control, "Bob Carr has run out of excuses," Mr. Brogden said. "His policing strategies aren't working when criminals think shooting people in highly populated, tourist areas is easy."

Australia has a higher murder rate per-capita than the United States, though this is mainly due to knives instead of guns as it is in the United States.

Monday, March 1, 2010

$1 Trillion on War

Barack Obama took the Nobel Peace Prize as a "call for action". In spite of this, he recently spent $300 000 000 000 on the military and is expected to spend about $1 000 000 000 000 on war this year alone. Thats more than what W. Bush ever spent and "I'm a war-president. I go to work with war on my mind".
$1 000 000 000 000 would eradicate world hunger and yet the peaceful prez is going to spend that money on war. That screams REPUBLICAN!
State of Play
Director, Kevin MacDonald
Cast, Russell Crowe, Ben Aflek, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren
Genre, thriller/drama/mystery

Kevin MacDonald has directed some good movies in his time and one great one (The Last King of Scotland) but State of Play is not one of his golden moments.
Cal McAffrey (Crowe) is a journalist who becomes involved in the murder case of a young woman who was Republican Congressman Stephen Collins' (Aflek) mistress. Stephen Collins is also a former room mate of McAffreys. With the help of rookie journalist, Della Frye (McAdams) and the bitter support of his editor, Cameron Lynne (Helen Mirren) McAffrey uncovers evidence of something much bigger than just a murder.
The cast is quite impressive (besides Ben Aflek, thanks for Pearl Harbor you prat) and the director is certainly competent, in fact he is quite good but something about this movie fails to deliver. Maybe its just personal opinion (I'm not a fan of mysteries) but this movie is just not very exciting, the story is not particularly stimulating and anything Ben Aflek is in is nigh unwatchable. Again, Pearl Harbor is partly responsible.
Another factor contributing to the films disappointing outcome is the that the story is centred on a Congressman was having sex with someone who sure as hell isn't his wife (you can almost hear everyone in the cinema being bored). Its uninteresting. All you ever hear about in the media nowadays is politicians in sex scandals and the effect of various things (sex in films, music etc.) on our childrens youth, innocence and moral fibre. I'm bored and so is everyone else.
All in all, MacDonald has created a fairly bland world where Russell Crowe gives an average performance and Aflek ruins any chance of the movie turning out watchable.