Monday, March 8, 2010

Surfers Unfazed by Shark Attack

Surfer and illustrator with the Sydney Morning Herald, Simon Letch was back in the water after being attacked by a shark at about 6:30am on Saturday at Bronte Beach.

"You'd think you'd go to jelly when something like this happened but I was surprisingly calm," Mr. Letch said. He was surfing about 40 metres off shore when "I was just about to turn and sit on the board when this shark just clamped on the front of it."

The shark was about 1.5 metres long, was a bronze colour, it's fin had a black stripe and left two 15 centimetre bite marks on Mr.Letcher's surfboard, which he plans to repair so he can continue using the board.

An hour later, Mr.Letcher was back in the water with another of his surfboards, about 20 other unfazed surfers were back in the water with him.

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