Monday, March 22, 2010

3 Roles in Print Media

In your typical editing cycle there is a junior editorial assistant who reports to senior editorial staff and directors whom then answer to senior executive editors.
Thier role in print media is to just correct spelling, grammar and matters of house style. In newspapers this role is expanded upon by having other works to tend to such as writing headlines and working on fairness, accuracy and taste.

A columnist is a journalist who writes for a publication and offers a strong perspective in the columns section. Some people follow the writings of a particular columnist.
There are several types of columnists, they are:
Advice: a columnist that addresses and answers to peoples problems who send them in.
Critic: a journalist who interprets performances and pieces of work and writes about them and presents thier own opinion.
Editorial: the section of a newspaper or magazines where senior editing staff publish thier opinion.
Gossip gurus: they write and talk about rumors surrounding famous people, usually movie stars and musical figures.
Humorist: a journalist who writes about somethig while being funny about and satirising it.
Food: a section of magazines and sometimes newspapers where "journalists" write about food and recipes.

We play an important part in all forms of media. There are actually people who sit and watch A Current Affair and 60 Minutes and if people didn't do that then those programs would probably be shut down!
But wait, how will the government get thier horse shit known as propaganda out?
Well fortunately enough for them they still have The Daily Telegraph!

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