Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama, Afghan War "Absolutely Essential".

A few days ago, Obama underscored his administration's commitment to continue the eight and a half year long occupation of Afghanistan by delivering a speech in which he proclaimed the war to be "absolutely essential".

During that speech he also claimed the war was making every American safer. We have heard that time and time again with their guns. If more guns made you safer America would be the safest country on Earth but its not. The same applies to this war.

He also assured troops that "everyone" knows the importance of this occupation. Who the fuck is "everyone"? His administration? Even if "everyone" was all of America that wouldn't be true!

He also pledged to give the troops a "clear mission" and said they would "get the job done". Whats the job?

Due to his attributes (hes not white, hes younger and he is a "Democrat"), Obama is in the best position any other President has ever been in to screw the entire world over. So far, it looks like thats what he is in the process of doing, what he is in the process of continuing.

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