Monday, March 15, 2010

Gangs: Mostly Idiots

There are many types of gangs, there are gangs under the employ of drug lords, there are biker gangs, all the way down to pathetic kids with nothing better to do than form the "Woonona Boys". Idiots.

In the US, every city with a population of 250,000 or greater reported gang related crimes. Every single god damn city! It isn't that boring in the city!

Why is it kids join gangs? To be cool? To be around intellectual equals (look at the title of this article)? Maybe they have nothing better to do than go around beating up members of a rival gang and "tagging" everything in sight. That is still pretty boring and quite pathetic. They could be doing something constructive, like joining an anarchist organisation!

Another interesting statistic, 94% of gang members are male, the remaining 6% are female (what else are they gonna be?). Why is that? Maybe dudes feel more insecure than chicks or something. Or maybe chicks are smarter and either realise there is something better to do than joining a gang or they get out of that disgusting gutter that is Bellambi (in the States it might be South Central or Queens or somewhere like that).

If you live in America and you watch the TV show "Cops", every night you will hear about a black male that robbed a shop or stabbed someone. How is this, is it the same black male committing all these crimes!? A significant portion of the gang population is black but think about all the white guys that have screwed us over!

Think about it, the War on Terror Inc., the Holocaust, racism, many different pieces of legislation over the years (Patriot Act, Work Choices to name a couple), Redlining, arsenic in the water, deals in the Middle-East with oil and natural gas, Capitalism, WHITE! Its the white man that wants us dead, Hitler, W. and H.W. Bush, Tony Abbott, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Reagan, Nixon, John Howard, Thatcher, Clinton (Mr. and Mrs.), they're all white.

Even if in the US only 6 or 7% of gang members are white, it is still the white man who is killing us all. Maybe there wouldn't be so many black gang members if there was no such thing as race, if there was just people and skin colour was as trivial as whether or not you have milk in your coffee.

You'll also notice that posh areas have little or no gang activity, if the gap between the haves and have-nots wasn't so damn colossal and if it didn't continue to get bigger and bigger then there would undoubtedly be less gang activity. Thats where Communism comes in! Kidding, though the theory is wonderful and Castro and Che are freakin' heroes.

Youth gangs are, in my opinion, a stupid idea and these kids' time could be better spent doing almost anything else, even learning how to play Curling.

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