Monday, March 8, 2010

Gang Activity Expected to Rise After Shooting

Over the weekend, two gang members were shot and killed in The Rocks area. The shootings took place near some of the city's most exclusive real estate.

Two men, aged between 24 and 25, were shot down by rival gang members. The perpetrators' identities are not known at this time but police are on the hunt for four gang members, who are considered suspects and whose names cannot be disclosed.

The victims were shot with at least 10 bullets each from semi-automatic hand guns at close range. The police are concerned that these shootings will lead to a rise in gang activities in Sydney.

Anti-firearm lobbyists have called for action against the number of illegal firearms available on Sydney streets. Despite laws being tightened greatly after the Port Arthur Massacre there are still many ways of getting guns illegaly.

NSW Opposition leader John Brogden has accused the Liberal Government of letting gun violence getting out of control, "Bob Carr has run out of excuses," Mr. Brogden said. "His policing strategies aren't working when criminals think shooting people in highly populated, tourist areas is easy."

Australia has a higher murder rate per-capita than the United States, though this is mainly due to knives instead of guns as it is in the United States.

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